Millennials have gotten a bad rap when it comes to our personal financial situation. One of the largest accounting firms claims that only 27% of us seek professional financial help and only 24% of us have adequate financial literacy.

With crippling amounts of student loan debt and avocado toast being more expensive these days, its no wonder we feel financially helpless.
So here I am. I like doing the typical millennial things. Trying new restaurants, going to bars and doing other millennial stuff.
I’m in my early 20’s working as a financial analyst in Washington, D.C., and like many in my generation we find ourselves overwhelmingly unprepared for the financial future. I know that plenty of my friends don’t realize how important contributing to a 401k can be.
But, let’s get something clear. I’m definitely not a money genius and I don’t consider myself to know much more than the average millennial.
That’s why my plan is to find honest ways to save money and learn about personal finance, all while living in a city where everything is often more expensive.
I want to crack open the lid and figure out what’s really been going on under the hood. Have an honest look at my financial well-being, pay of debt and save more money.